
Rocio A avatar image
Rocio A asked Rocio A commented

Problem in pulling in a global list


I have a problem when pulling the "EntradaEnCarretilla" list.


In the 476th second, the Transporter driver collects Kits and BoxVolum from the "MesaKitting" and we put those items in the "EntradaEnCarretilla" list. 1732260334627.png



The Transporter goes to the stations to leave each of the items he is transporting at the destination indicated on the list and in the order in which they are on the list.

For the first item, it goes to the corresponding destination and downloads an item but that item is not the first on the list. Then, suddenly the first three items disappear and the one that was fourth at the top of the list will be left. And the second and third items on the list are still in the cart.

The process would be to leave each item at the destination indicated in the list, but every time it leaves an item at its destination, it checks to see if there are empty kits or finished parts in that workstation.

I don't know why it doesn't take the elements from the list according to the order in it and why elements disappear from the list if they haven't left the Transporter.

Could you help me?

I attach the model.

Thanks in advance


FlexSim 24.1.1
pullpush to listprocess flow listsglobal lists
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pull-en-carrista.fsm (253.2 KiB)
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Rocio A commented

The first pulled item gets unloaded correctly, as far as I can tell. After this happens the transporter loads the empty totes from the other racks at the same location.

The next pulled item has the same destination. You placed the check whether there are items in the other two racks ahead of the unload. Since those items were just loaded, the tokens skips all actions and pulls the next item immediately. This then happens one more time before the pulled item has a different destination with items still present in the other connected racks.

In short: The Decide seems to be placed wrong, causing the token to skip the unload action of the pulled item if there is nothing to load at the destination.

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Rocio A avatar image Rocio A commented ·

Thank You @Felix Möhlmann.

Now he does it well.

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