
Mohst2 avatar image
Mohst2 asked Mohst2 commented

People are overlapping without leaving any space between them

Hello everyone.

Basically I built a simple model where people come out as a group from the source. the problem is that people are stacking up at the same position instead of maintaining a proper distance especially at the registration and when they come from the entrance, is there anyway I can make some space between them so each person is visible when they walk or wait?

FlexSim 23.0.15
groupsstackingpeople overlapping navigation
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Mohst2 avatar image Mohst2 commented ·

This is the file

Customers stack.fsm

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customers-stack.fsm (56.1 KiB)

1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Mohst2 commented

You could try to simply slightly randomize their position after they travel from/to a fixed position, so they don't overlap exactly.


You could also try to use the A* navigator, but will likely run into problems with the people actually reaching their destination because they block each other.

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Mohst2 avatar image Mohst2 commented ·

Thank you very much, working fine, just wondering can I create the code to apply for all processes instead of adding the code in each process?

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann Mohst2 commented ·

You could place the code into the "On Finish Task" trigger of the "Man" and "Woman" flowitem.


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Mohst2 avatar image Mohst2 Felix Möhlmann commented ·
Thanks a lot.
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