
Junwoo Kim avatar image
Junwoo Kim asked Junwoo Kim commented

Bundle type label causing model corruption


Hello, I have an issue about Bundle type label.

The attached model contains 1 Queue, 'Queue1', which has a bundle type label named 'my_bundle'.

For simplicity, the label contains only 1 column, 'pointer_column', and its data type is pointer.

I want to set the 'pointer_column' of the first row to Queue1 object.

In order to do this, (1) I activated the sampler for the 'pointer_column' of the first row, and (2) clicked Queue1 object in model view. (3) Next, I chose 'Queue1' out of the pop-up list.


As a result, the 'pointer column' of the first row is set to the reference to Queue1 object.


However, this model is corrupted and FlexSim crashes when I try to save this model by clicking save button in tool bar. After that, FlexSim crashes whenever I open the corrupted model again.

Could you please let me know why the model is corrupted and how to avoid it?

Thanks in advance.

FlexSim 24.2.2
bundle label
bundle-q1.png (25.7 KiB)
bundle-q2.png (20.7 KiB)
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Junwoo Kim commented

I think it is a violation of allowed data types:

Bundles: Data table that stores numbers and strings.

A pointer is not a string nor a number.

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Junwoo Kim avatar image Junwoo Kim commented ·

Hello, Joerg, thank you for your response.

However, I think bundle type allows the columns to be pointer-type, as shown in Figure below.


Moreover, the bundle type labels did not cause any issue in the models that I have developed by using FlexSim 2019 or 2020.

I found this issue related to bundle type label in developing a model same with the old ones in recent versions.

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bundle-q3.png (31.3 KiB)
Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel Junwoo Kim commented ·

@Junwoo Kim, it is a default setting. I commented a passage of the manual. Perhaps there is some work to do for choosing legible datatypes in the program. But as you have identified yourself choosing a pointer leads into a catastrophic failure. Then don't do it.

Edit: added manual setbundlevalue manual picture:default-datatypes-bundle-value.jpg

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Junwoo Kim avatar image Junwoo Kim Joerg Vogel commented ·


1. For comparison, I uploaded a same model developed by using FlexSim 2020 update 1 (bundle-test-2020u1.fsm). This model is successfully saved without any issue or model corruption.

2. Also, I uploaded a similar model developed by using FlexSim 2024 update 2 (bundle-test-2024u2_other_object.fsm), where the 'pointer_column' of the first row is set to Processor1 object, instead of Queue1 object. This model is also successfully saved.

3. Therefore, I think pointer type is available for a column of bundle type label. The issue is encountered only if the pointer column of bundle type label is set to a Queue object.

Is this a bug of recent version of FlexSim software?

The bundle type label is an important part of my original model.

Anyone can help me fix this issue?

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