
anhkiet avatar image
anhkiet asked anhkiet commented

How to write code into the model

Suppose I have a packaging production process. The input is the number of pre-programmed products, after producing the entire order, it will be put on the pallet and loaded on the truck to the customer's warehouse. Please help me write the code in processflow so that when I have enough goods on the car, the car will run

FlexSim 19.1.2
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1 Answer

Yumi Nishijima avatar image
Yumi Nishijima answered anhkiet commented

Hi @AnhKiet, you can use custom code to write the code and use a decide to make your criteria work. You can see this activities in this link:
1) Csutom code: Custom Code
2) Decide: Decide

However, almost activities in process flow you can make some custom into the code using flexscript, click in this icon and edit the code.


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anhkiet avatar image anhkiet commented ·
Can you help me write that
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