
Gui Vaccaro avatar image
Gui Vaccaro asked Gui Vaccaro commented

How can one set-up time-table Down or Resume behaviors programatically?


I need to create a large number of time-tables to control shifts and operator groups. For each time-table, I need to set the associated group behaviors to "Travel To Object, Delay Until Down Time Complete" and select the destination object (different for each group). How can this be done via ProcessFlow or FlexScript?

Thank you!

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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Gui Vaccaro commented

You can call user defined node function that has parameters.

You can try to call your timetable function again by node function call to node of “c”.

Maybe you have noticed this kind of call of a node in ownerobject(c) to declare current object in a code.

You call a process flow sub flow by executesubflow.

Or you create a token in an activity.

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