
dcorral avatar image
dcorral asked dcorral commented

Elevator, Elevator Bank or Move Object logic

Window Washing.fsm

Hey all,

I am attempting to re-create a window washing business in which task executors load into a platform and that platform is raised or lowered according to the window that needs to be worked on. I tried to use Elevator (task executor), Elevator Bank and just a regular object (with the move object logic from the process flow). After the task is complete, the Washer/Waxer (Task Executors) go back to the office and await another task. Queue 2/3/4/5 represents the windows. Placed Dispatchers to use as a parameter later on to add more Washer/Waxers. Also trying to utilize Process Flow because the work is a Schedule Source.

What I've tried:

- The Elevator TE does not load the Washer/Waxer. Is it because I can't load a Task Executor into another Task Executor?

- The Elevator Bank sort of achieves that function, but the Washer/Waxer leaves the elevator. (I have removed the A* grids in the attached model to make it less confusing). I would like for them to stay in the platform.

- I created a simple object to represent a platform to move it up and down, but the movement is not as smooth as the Elevator and Elevator Bank and does not pick up the Washer/Waxer.

I am looking for insight on how I can achieve this task, and any help would be greatly appreciated!

FlexSim 23.2.3
proces flowelevatorelevatorsprocesflowelevatorbank
window-washing.fsm (180.0 KiB)
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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·

@dcorral, I think an elevator taskexecuter should be able to move any objects. But I need to test it myself later on a windows pc on the day. If you are able to let move an elevator by travel to location task types only if an item is involved, you can try to move a taskexecuter into such an item.
Maybe it is sufficient to move a taskexecuter into an elevator instead of loading him into the elevator. Move object is a command and also a tasktype. If nothing works as intended you can try to transfer a taskexecuter object node into an elevator subnode by deprecated command transfernode or by up property treenode class type.

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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered dcorral commented

Transport operator in Elevator an example


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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann commented ·

Jörg was slightly faster, but I will leave this here as a second example.

To move the elevator you can either use a "Travel to Location" task (has its own activity in the submenu of the travel activity). Or you use "Place Offset" tasks (Custom Task activity). The elevator must be set to "Travel Offsets for Load/Unload Tasks" for this to work.


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dcorral avatar image dcorral commented ·
Both work great and achieves what I had in mind. Thank you!
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