
hikel avatar image
hikel asked hikel commented

Set Parameter from Global Table

I have a scheduled arrival for 1 and 2 shift which I set quantity of 1 then


getting remaining tokens from create tokens from ActiveOrder table. I am using the parameter table to set how many I need for each one. I want to add 3 shift as an option to pick some specific "PalletType" for example T2, T4, and T6 or change just from parameter table (ActiveTable) is there any way to add this as option to get in input dashboard (parameter table). here is the model @Jason Lightfoot @Felix Möhlmann Do you have any idea if this one can be done in FlexSim? input.fsm


FlexSim 23.2.2
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered hikel commented

You could use a separate source for the third shift which uses a different table to determine the types and quantities. The cells of that table could then be linked to parameters and adjusted freely without affecting the original data.

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hikel avatar image hikel commented ·

@Felix Möhlmann is there other way to do that. to have like options to select. I did that way input.fsm

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input.fsm (69.7 KiB)
Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann hikel commented ·

I'm not really sure what exactly your goal is. Something I regularly do when using global tables as input, is to create alternate versions of those tables. Which one is used in the model is then decided by a parameter that holds the name of the table. Instead of having a fixed reference to a table that parameter is used to access the correct table. Maybe that might be an option for you?

See example below.


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hikel avatar image hikel Felix Möhlmann commented ·

Thank you @Felix Möhlmann that is not exactly what I wanted. is there any example for other Type I want learn about option type, sequance, expression, pass through, custom, I usually use first 3 1734714693334.png

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