
Mohst2 avatar image
Mohst2 asked Logan Gold commented

Make customer go through 3 registrations one by one.

Customer Queue.fsm


I have created a model where customers go into a queue and they select the shortest queue then they go to a registration, the thing I want is how to make customer visit the free registration and at the same time visit the other registration one by one, this no need to be in order, customers can visit any registration as long as it's free then go to the other registrations, the idea is I want customers to select the free registration and end up visiting all three registrations one by one and choose the next free registration regardless of order.


FlexSim 23.0.15
queueshortest distancecustomers
customer-queue.fsm (47.3 KiB)
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

I would use an array label to keep track of which registrations the customer still needs to visit. Then put them all on a list and pull the one with the smallest queue, leaving it one the list. (Since it takes some time for the customers to arrive at the waiting line and thus the content to get updated, they will not always distribute optimally when spawning in short intervals)

The customer then walks to the respective waiting line (reference through centerport-connection) and acquires the registration. Afterwards the current registration is removed from the token label. If the array is not empty, the token loops back to the top.


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