
gilbert jerald avatar image
gilbert jerald asked Joshua S converted comment to answer

How to make the Task executor to load the item near to the Task executor ?


We have built the sample model and attached it here. We are trying to simulate the Task executor that continuously traveling in the loop and also looking for the work in the pickup location. So if there is any item waiting in the pickup location, nearest/next closest Task executor should pick up the item and drop off it in the respective location. In the attached the model, the model is assigning the task to the Task executor without considering the distance query (Closest Available Task executor).



FlexSim 18.2.2
shortest distancelooping task executor
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1 Answer

Joshua S avatar image
Joshua S answered

@gilbert jerald

Is this what you are looking for?16848-task-executor-continuouspickuppoint-1.fsm

The distance query wasn't going to work because it pulls based of locational distance, not the next AGV that would pass the point on the track.

I added process flow to control the pickup and delivery. This method checks the AGVs individually each time they arrive at the NN near the Conveyor. The NNs near both conveyors have a label called "Conv", items are also assigned a label "Conv" based on which conveyor they are created on. This allows the AGV to know which conveyor to drop off the item. I got rid of several connections, and added a centerport connection from the NNs to the drop off conveyors that isn't very visible.

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