
Student590 avatar image
Student590 asked Joerg Vogel edited

Traffic Signal Flow not working on AGV

I want my AGV to stop when the traffic is red and go when the traffic is green. However, there is no effect whenever that happens. The AGV can move along the path but does not stop when it is red/green. Is it because the process flow failed to connect to the AGV? Can anyone help me out please! I have included my flexsim file. Much appreciated, thank you!

FlexSim 24.2.2
agvroutingtraffic lighttraffic flowtraffic light logic
1735138324471.png (77.5 KiB)
mine.fsm (44.9 KiB)
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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·

I didn’t look into your model, but from @Felix Möhlmann’s answer you have to be able to allocate control points in controlled sections.

Often it is a good idea to test in a much simpler model basic methods of allocation and deallocations of control point to understand an unknown method. You find in this forum often answers, that are given by analyzing an attached model to assume a knowledge of the questioner building source code or logic structures. Then an answer is presented. But for someone who has a lower level of expertise such answers won’t help. And a question of how to do it, does not help to answer, because any answerer doesn’t know where to start.

You are building models on a discrete event driven simulation tool. This means you need an event that creates an action. It is not a state driven simulation tool, that reacts on inputs. The example model is time driven. Every 15 seconds an action happens.

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