
Mohst2 avatar image
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Mohst2 asked Mohst2 commented

Schedule and distributed Interarrival time for source


How can I use interarrival time for source with schedule without specifying the quantity, I want for example people come from the source with uniform(1,10) (second) distribution and at the same time I want them to arrive between 9 am and 10 pm on each day. Can such a thing be done without specifying the quantity?


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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Mohst2 commented

You can use a timetable. It is a tool within the toolbox. It activates or deactivates objects in a model. If you need other distribution parameters you can change them accordingly by up and down time behavior functions of this tool. Perhaps you have to implement many of those timetables.
Alternatively you work with ProcessFlow DateTime Source Activity or User Events. User Events are another tool.

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Mohst2 avatar image Mohst2 commented ·

I work with processFlow, how to use the DateTime Source?


here it shows that I cannot set interval time as distribution it only shows three options for arrival spacing among them there is no distribution. also I do not want to specify the quantity.

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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel Mohst2 commented ·

@Mohst2, then check if you can achieve this by user events or a process flow loop and wait structure. If a tool doesn’t fit by its features for your needs then build or choose a different method. Do not tweak it into something that it has not been made for it.

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Mohst2 avatar image Mohst2 Joerg Vogel commented ·
I managed to do it with decide and delay :)
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