
SuhyeonK avatar image
SuhyeonK asked David Seo answered

Item loading and transfer logic

here is a lane that stores 10 factory-produced cars.
The team is divided.

(ㅁ below represents the car, and _____ means empty space.)

1. a team that brings a car to the lane

▶ 1. ㅁㅁㅁㅁㅁㅁㅁㅁㅁㅁ
2. a team that transfers the car from the lane to another location

▶ 2. ㅁㅁㅁㅁㅁ_______________

3. a team that transfers the remaining car to the front end of the lane

▶ 3. ____________ㅁㅁㅁㅁㅁ

If you imagine the problem, if the other team takes a few cars after stopping in the lane, the car stopped in the back has to move back to the front end of the lane to get the car back in the lane.

How can it be implemented?

(All cars are transported by humans.)

FlexSim 24.0.3
logicitem loading and transfer logic
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David Seo avatar image David Seo commented ·

If you want to receive a exact quesation, please explain your issue more detail for answering expert. Please attach a model or drawing picture.

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SuhyeonK avatar image SuhyeonK David Seo commented ·

I can't attach photos and files on the company intranet...

There's a straight lane that stops 10 cars.
Team 1 workers stopped vehicle 10 at stations 1 to 10.
Team 2 workers transferred the vehicles at stations 1 to 5 to another place.
Team 3 workers move the remaining vehicles 6 to 10 in the lane to stations 1 to 5 to clean up the lane.
This happens repeatedly. However, the difficulty is that the variables are not exactly how many vehicles are parked, transported, and organized in the lane. However, I wonder how we can implement the above problem.

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David Seo avatar image David Seo SuhyeonK commented ·

Team 2 workers transferred the vehicles at stations 1 to 5 to another place.

1) another place is where? Another straight lane? Next process lane?

2) A straight has ten workstations? And one station can have a one stop place?

3) One station has One worker?

4) the variables are not exactly how many vehicles are parked, transported, and organized in the lane.

What's the meaning of the sentences?

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1 Answer

David Seo avatar image
David Seo answered

@SuhyeonK You should make the model using process flow.

ONE row of FloorStorage library can be used as 'Lane'. I think You can make the model using PF and subroutine PF according to variable workers.

If you will have a issue during developing the model, please make me know it.

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