
Marcus avatar image
Marcus asked Paula LG answered

Trying to create orders

StatisticsCollectorTutorialModel_2.fsmHello Everyone, i am new to flexsim, currently i am trying to have the model create different orders with a range of 300 line items to choose from the productinfo, however i keep getting errors such as :

time: 730.937357 exception: FlexScript exception: label Items doesn't exist on token id: 1 at MODEL:/Tools/ProcessFlow/ProcessFlow/Get All Items>variables/quantity

can anyone assist in helping me?

Thanks in advance!

FlexSim 23.0.15
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1 Answer

Paula LG avatar image
Paula LG answered

Hi Marcus,

The problem with your logic is that whenever all child tokens from the "Acquire All Items" subflow are sent through the second output connector of the "Wait for Slot Entry" activity (when they have waited for a total of token.TimeRemaining seconds), the parent token won't have the label Items you create on the "Add Item to Parent" activity. This parent token will then follow to enter the "Get All Items" subflow, for which the Items label is needed. Thet's the error you're getting.


I don't know how your model is supposed to behave whenever no items have been acquired. Maybe you could put a decide activity below the first subflow that checks if this label exists and, if not, executes a different logic, or sends the token somewhere else.

I hope it helps!

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