
Lars Jacobsen avatar image
Lars Jacobsen asked Ben Wilson answered

FlexSim does not find server license

I recently converted to a server based license and it worked fine. However today FlexSim doesn't find the licenses. The "FlexSim_License" and "FlexNetLicensing Service 64" are running. When I check "flexsimserveractutil" all licenses are fine. The issue arose when I opened an old version of FlexSim where I had not specified it should use a "License Server". I specifed it, but it didn't change anything. And now the new version of FlexSim doesn't work either. Have I somehow deleted the trusted storage or


FlexSim 25.0.2
server license
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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·

@Lars Jacobsen, did you run FlexSim as an Administrator while you changed the License Server Address?

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Lars Jacobsen avatar image Lars Jacobsen Joerg Vogel commented ·


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Lars Jacobsen avatar image
Lars Jacobsen answered

Thanks Ben. It was a problem with a dynamic ip-adress.

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Ben Wilson avatar image
Ben Wilson answered

Hi @Lars Jacobsen,

You could try installing FlexSim on the license server itself.

Configure that FlexSim installation for concurrent licensing and use the server address:

[email protected]

That 127... address is the "local" address. It always refers to the local machine.

If that FlexSim installation on the license server can get a license, but your regular PC cannot, this test may indicate a connectivity issue, where the local install getting licensed shows that the license service is doing its job correctly and there is no issue with your activated license in Trusted Storage, but where there is some break in communication with other PCs.

On the other hand, if the local license server installation of FlexSim can't get a license, then it must be related to some configuration or license issue on the server itself.

Let us know what you find out. Good luck.

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