
Sergio F avatar image
Sergio F asked Ben Wilson edited

License server migration

I need to migrate the License Server to a new Server.

How is the process to manage it?

license serverserver licenseservermigration
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1 Answer

Ben Wilson avatar image
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Ben Wilson answered Ben Wilson edited

Hi @Sergio F,

This document has steps detailing returning and upgrading your license, as steps 1 and 2. Complete step 1 on your old license server and step 2 on the website, in your FlexSim Account.

After completing just those two steps, go through the installation instructions on the new server.

Contact your local distributor for live help, or comment back with any questions.

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Eric J4 avatar image Eric J4 commented ·

Hi, hope you are doing well;

recently we got a couple of licenses for Flexsim, I installed the license server on the user machine, everything is good, however I need to export the Server license to one of our servers, it's posible? when I try to do that I got an error, I think that is due to the license server is installed on the user machine, let me know how i can do it.

this is my email:

Thank you for your help

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Ben Wilson avatar image Ben Wilson ♦♦ Eric J4 commented ·

Hi @Eric J4,

You'll need to return the license from your user's desktop PC, according to step 1. Return your licenses of our license server upgrade instructions.

After the license has been returned from the user's PC, you'll be able to successfully activate on your license server.

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Braydn T avatar image Braydn T commented ·

@Sergio F

Did the document Ben posted help?

If so, could you please click the accept button? If not, could you let us know what else we can do to help you?


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