
krishna K avatar image
krishna K asked Ben Wilson commented

License Server Activation (Concurrent Licensing)


I am trying to connect by Concurrent licensing but this is not connecting & showing as trail version only. (Followed exact procedure connected through vpn & server address > Apply Configuration & Restart)

license server
conserver.jpg (32.4 KiB)
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Ben Wilson commented

I assume the organization has got a license server of network licenses running. Your VPN IP address belongs to the space that is able to receive a concurrent license.

  • You must allow FlexSim to establish a connection through the firewall of your system. This means the program file “flexsim.exe“ is set as an exception in the firewall settings.
  • You can try to get it work by run FlexSim as an Administrator.
  • Previous versions of FlexSim didn’t receive the license instantly after changing the address. You had to close the program and start FlexSim again.
    Please check, if you find your settings still available in the license activation window after a restart. If they don’t show up, try to get them into this field by running the program as an administrator.

I configured the license server to use a static port to connect to. Maybe you can ask the administrator of the license server, how the server is setup. I must add this port to the license server address field in the license configuration window above in the picture of your question.

  1. port number @ IP-address

The firewall of the server must be able to communicate through the port, too.

If the license server is just a workstation and the user can run FlexSim on this machine, this doesn’t mean that the license server service is able to establish connections to computers on the network. The mechanism of receiving licenses on local machines behaves different to network licenses. The firewall of the machine must be setup, too.

If your VPN is based on a client program, the VPN server must allow the communication of the static port, too. It is a matter of the configuration of the VPN server by the administrators. I had recently a similar problem as my organization changed the VPN infrastructure. I administrate the license server, but not the VPN server.

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