How one can properly clear a milestone collector table when the warm-up period ends? There is no option to do that.
Is there a similar option to what is found on a statistics collector > row options?
Thank you.
How one can properly clear a milestone collector table when the warm-up period ends? There is no option to do that.
Is there a similar option to what is found on a statistics collector > row options?
Thank you.
I don't think resetting the table is possible. But you can use the "Shared Contition" field to have it only start gathering data after the warmup time.
Alternatively, clone the table to a Calculated Table and filter for rows where a given milestone time is larger than the warmup time. (This would prevent incomplete rows with missing data)
Thank you, @Felix Möhlmann !
Your answers are always helpful and constructive.
Adding this as a feature would be a great addition to avoid milestone collection being biased by transient behaviors.
Thank you.
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