
Dash Ballarta avatar image
Dash Ballarta asked Adrian Haws answered

Long Term Run and Warmup Time

@Matthew Gillespie

Hey Matt,

Sorry for the consistent bother! Question about long term experiment running.

Example: I want to run the experiment in the following iterations: 1 Week, 1 Month, 1 Year with normal working hours being from 8-5. No holidays or off weeks/schedules at this point. When adjusting the run times for the model I understand that say for 1 Week I would input 01:08:00 to 05:17:00. Now, I know that the model will shut down once everyone goes off shift at 5PM everyday. When considering warmup, would it be easier to use scheduled arrivals vs interarrival times? If I stick with Interarrival Times what's a good warmup time to "start the day" fresh?

For month/year iterations, is it easier/cleaner to use Experimenter?

Thanks, Dash

FlexSim HC 5.1.0
run timewarmup
· 1
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1 Answer

Adrian Haws avatar image
Adrian Haws answered

There are a couple different options you could consider. If you want to use inter-arrival times you could simply run the experiment from 01:08:00 to 01:17:00, then run 5 iterations to represent one week. It probably wouldn't make sense to use a warmup time, unless you want the possibility of having patients already in the model when the clinic opens. Of course, you would have to adjust your data from the iterations to be able to look at statistics for the duration of the week.

You could also use hourly arrivals or appointments to ensure that patients wouldn't arrive when the clinic is closed. Then just run your experiment for a week, month or year.

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