
Patrick Cloutier avatar image
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Patrick Cloutier asked Arun Kr commented

Hide all flowitems to speed simulation run

Is there a way to hide all flowitems from the model to speed the run? I know it can be done in each object by unchecking "show content" but what if I want to do it only for a couple of runs and then come back to seeing the items it would have to be a global "hide flowitems" or something.

I've hidden the content of flowitems crates by unchecking "show content" in the crate flowitem properties but I need to hide/unhide the crates themselves.

I tried closing the model window view but that doesn't speed the run because I think the software still draws the items? Not sure why though.

FlexSim 16.0.1
flowitemsrun timehide
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Jeff Nordgren avatar image
Jeff Nordgren answered Brandon Peterson commented

The very easiest way would to be close the 3D model window and then run your model. You can open it back up when the model has finished.

If the 3D view window is closed, there is nothing to draw. If closing the 3D window does not speed up your model, then it is probably not a video issue. It would be something in the model itself slowing it down, not the drawing of objects.

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Adrian Haws avatar image
Adrian Haws answered Arun Kr commented

There is also a way to hide all flowitems in the Flowitem Bin icon just below the top menu, then clicking the Properties menu for the item your model creates and unselecting "Show 3D Shape" and "Show Contents" in the General tab.

animation.gif (1.0 MiB)
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