Recently I built a model that was simulating up to 1.35 million units per day and would run for up to 40 days. Obviously this is a lot of events and the model took longer than one of my typical models. When looking for ways to speed up the simulation I noticed that I was looking up and setting data in global tables multiple times for each of the 1.35 million units... OUCH!!
In the past I have used global macros to reference global tables when I use any of the global table commands. I did this for two reasons: First, I thought that it was faster than using strings (eventhough I did not have any empirical results to back me up). Second, it made the model a little easier to adjust when changes were made later in the life of the project. This model was no exception and I was using global macros to reference the tables.
So, my question is: Do you have a way of referencing the global tables that is faster and preferably as simple and robust as using global macros?
I plan on building a sample model to run some experiments of my own to answer this question. However, I believe that all of you out there are more than capable of having a better solution than myself. So, this is a "Challenge Question" in that I would like to challenge you to beat my answer and any others posted to this question. Over time I hope that we will all benefit by seeing all of the different methods/ways that this can be done.
Thanks and good luck!