
Ajay Bhesaniya avatar image
Ajay Bhesaniya asked Matthew Gillespie edited

Setting a stop point on the model.

I see the model keeps running indefinitely (I had to stop it at 5000 time units). One of my goals was to setup the Sink to Pull based on the demand table and then Stop (24 time units in this example since the demand table has 24 rows). Beyond that, the Queues start filling until they are maxed out and then the Source gets blocked. What additional logic needs to be added to make this happen?

**This question was originally part of a followup question. The original question thread is found here.

FlexSim 16.0.1
run timestop object
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
1 Like"
Sam Stubbs answered Matthew Gillespie edited

You can set the model to run a specific amount of time as needed. We created the CurrentHour variable and TrackCurrentHour to repeat in case you wanted to track several days worth. If you want to just monitor one day, up near the top menu bar, next to the Run, Stop, and Step buttons the Run Time bar has a drop down menu. You can select to view a certain time period and have the model stop at that time.

stoptime.png (17.2 KiB)
· 2
5 |100000

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