
Yogi avatar image
Yogi asked Logan Gold commented

Separator separating 3 parts in 3 different ques

Separator logic need help.fsm

I need help with refining my model. I want to separate three items—Pallet, Box, and Gray Plates—so that:

  • The Pallet goes to Queue20
  • The Box goes to Queue9
  • The Gray Plates go to Queue21

After separation, the Pallet and Box should be combined before moving forward.

Could you please help me with this?separator-logic-requesting-help.png

FlexSim 22.2.0
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann commented

The settings for the separator are already correct. The issue is with the order of items on the pallet. Initially the plates enter first and then the box. When a backlog builds and reaches the combiner that loads the pallets, this order switches because both items are available at the same time and so the port rankings define the order.

To fix this, change swap the ranks of the second and third input into combiner2. And, to be sure, both sources should use the same interarrival time (if that is allowed).


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