
Bennett Foster avatar image
Bennett Foster asked Ben Wilson edited

Combiner "pack" to separator "unpack" - item won't leave separator

I'm teaching a course and have an example problem with a combiner followed by a separator - to illustrate the various options.

It works fine until I have "pack" in the combiner and "unpack" in the separator. Then the first flow item out of the separator won't enter the next object (and of course everything backs up).

What do I need to know about combiners and separators that causes this to happen?

FlexSim 16.1.0
separatorsend to portblockedunpack
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1 Answer

Ben Wilson avatar image
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Ben Wilson answered Ben Wilson edited

The default separator Send To Port logic sends the container object out through port 1 and the contents through port 2:

If you keep the default Send To Port logic, but don't have a 2nd output port connection, then the contents will be stuck in the Separator and block anything new from entering.

So as you found, one solution is to create a 2nd output port so that the default Send To Port behavior can function properly.

You could also choose or create any number of other Send To Port behaviors, however. The list of preconfigured options includes standard entries like First Available, Random, Round Robin, etc., or as always you can customize the behavior or start a new option from scratch by editing the code.

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