
Hemanth Sai Kumar avatar image
Hemanth Sai Kumar asked Hemanth Sai Kumar commented

Timetable down function code

Hi Flexsimers,

I have a scenario where I don't want the state of the object to be same as state before down function start. I am trying to understand the default code below, could anyone help me in understanding it. In this below stop function code which variable holds the value of state of object before down function triggers
Thanks in advance.


FlexSim 25.0.1
time tabledownfunction
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Hemanth Sai Kumar commented

The state before the stop is stored in the object's variables attribute nodes.



If you were to change this value before the resumeobject command is executed, the object will be set to the new specified state. Other logic would continue as normal though. For example, a processor with an item on it would still continue to process it (though without animating).


capture1.png (3.2 KiB)
· 1
5 |100000

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