
SuhyeonK avatar image
SuhyeonK asked Felix Möhlmann commented

Entrytransfer curved conveyor

If I configure multiple "Entrytransfer" in one "conveyor", I can check "Distance Along" with each dependent relationship, so I'm using it conveniently.

However, when there is a curve and is divided into several "conveyors", the conveyor is an independent entity, so "Distance Along" is considered as each conveyor criterion.

Inquiry) Is it possible to use "Distance Along" from "Entrytransfer" by thinking of multiple containers as objects in one "conveyor"?
(Because I'm going to create an item one by one in dozens of queues and link it to "conveyor")

FlexSim 25.0.0
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann commented

You can measure the "distAlong" starting from the first conveyor. When the value increases past the length of the conveyor, you get the next conveyor in line and subtract the length of the previous one from the distance to get the "distAlong" relative to the next conveyor.

Here's a proof-of-convept model that places EntryTransfers equidistant along a conveyor line (note that this will not work in generel because drawing an A-connection between queue and conveyor will reuse a previous transfer if it is close enough)


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