I recently got a new computer with Win11 in it. I noticed a strange behavior with Win11. Have you noticed the same and do you have any idea if I can do something about it.
I made a simple model to test the feature. There is just a dummy for_loop in the machine's OnEntry trigger to generate some load into the model. The model also has a table where I put system time at OnRunStart and system time at OnRunStop and I also calculate the duration of the simulation run (50000 sec). In my computer it itakes about 30-40 sec to run the simulation.
I'm used to run the model so that I start the run and then minimize the model into taskbar (by pressing - in upper corner).
In Win10 computer the simulation time (duration) is almost the same if I run the model (with Fast Forward) "small in the Taskbar" or "FlexSim window open (do not press the - to minimize FlexSim)"
In Win11 the model is much faster if I do NOT press the - and do NOT minimize the model into taskbar (~34 sec in my computer). If I DO put the model into the taskbar, the it runs much slower (~40 sec in my computer)