
SC Liang avatar image
SC Liang asked Phil BoBo edited

Error message-installation cancelled by user

I downloaded FlexSim Installer 16, but when I tried to start the installation it prompted "the installation was cancelled by user," even though I didn't cancel it. I tried several times but the problem is still there. Attached is the error message.

FlexSim 16.0.1
error messageinstallationinstallation cancelled
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Jeff Nordgren avatar image
Jeff Nordgren answered Phil BoBo edited

Here are some possibilities as to what may be the cause of the problem, along with some solutions:

  1. You might not have admin privileges to install on your machine. To test, you should right-click the installer and choose to Run As Administrator. If you don't have admin rights, you will be prompted to enter credentials with admin rights. Enter the proper credentials and the software should install.
  2. Your hard drive could be full (insufficient disk space).
  3. An overzealous antivirus solution may be preventing the installation from completing.
  4. Try rebooting your computer (Thanks @phil.bobo). If, for example, your computer recently installed updates or other software, it may need a reboot in order to complete those pending installations. New installations cannot be completed until previous installations have completed.
  5. If you're still having trouble, try the items mentioned in this answer.

Leave a comment below if you've encountered an error that is not solved using one of these suggestions.

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Xu Chunqi avatar image Xu Chunqi commented ·

Sorry to bother you, I meet the same problem. And I have tried the five items above, but unfortunately it doesnot work. Whatever version of FlexSim cannot be installed on my computer now ,which is OK before.

Look forward for your reply, thanks a lot.

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Phil BoBo avatar image Phil BoBo ♦♦ Xu Chunqi commented ·

Try using the msi file instead of the exe.

If it still doesn't work, you can use the msiexec command from the command line to run the installer and print a log of what it is trying to do and the errors it is getting:

msiexec.exe /i <path_to_msi_file> /log <path_to_log>
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msi-download.png (285.6 KiB)
Xu Chunqi avatar image Xu Chunqi Phil BoBo ♦♦ commented ·

Hi BOB,thanks for your reply. I download the msi file, and when I install it ,an error appear. Here is the screenshot , please help me to find the reason, thanks a lot.

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Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered

Try rebooting your computer.

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