
Ajay Bhesaniya avatar image
Ajay Bhesaniya asked Sam Stubbs edited

Changing the pull rate.

Is there a way to read the demand table values as daily or weekly demand instead of hourly?

Thus, the source continues to produce at hourly rates and the Sink consumes on a daily rate or weekly rate?

**This question was originally part of a followup question. The original question thread is found here.

FlexSim 16.0.1
pull strategytime scale
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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
1 Like"
Sam Stubbs answered Sam Stubbs edited

In the model that you attached we labeled the variable and global event "CurrentHour" and "TrackCurrentHour" but you can double click into the TrackCurrentHour user event, and set the time iteration to whatever time you desire.

5 |100000

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