
Reina Hanazo avatar image
Reina Hanazo asked Terra K. commented

How to do animation for the operator to push the trolley?

Hi, I'm having difficulties on the animation on the operator pushing the trolley. When I do the animation, the operator carries the items instead of putting them inside the trolley. Does anyone know how to do it?

FlexSim 7.7.4
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Jeff Nordgren avatar image
Jeff Nordgren answered Terra K. commented

Reina, @Reina Hanazo

Attached is a modification of the model you sent in. What I did was disconnect your operator/cart. Then I added another operator and cart. I put a Task Executer (cart) into the Operator. Selected the cart and then Highlighted the Operator, then from the Edit Selected Objects area (View>Edit Selected Objects menu option) I pressed the Move into Highlighted. That moved the cart into the operator as if part of the operator.

Then after moving the operator and cart around a bit so that it would look the best, I added code to the OnLoad trigger of the Operator. Which just basically changed the incoming flowitem relative to the Operator where it needed to be on the cart.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Here is the model: operator-with-trolley-jn1.fsm

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Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered Reina Hanazo commented

@Reina I'm looking at your comment. So what you can do for the Operator animation is right click on the operator, in the dropdown go to Edit, and under Edit go to Animations.

After you've opened the Animations you can change the movement and animations of the model by selecting which animation you're changing, and you can edit the keyframes. (In this case the operator has Walk, WalkLoaded, and Stand animations)

If you want to change the location of the box (to make it appear on the cart) In the Operator's properties, under the Triggers tab, add an operation to the OnLoad trigger in the dropdown menu, go to Visual > Set Location. Here you can reference the item, and set the x, y, and z coordinates of the box in relation to the Operator.

As to the second half of your question. Yes you can move a queue. You just call the moveobject() method in your logic when you want to move it. (For ease, you'll probably want to create a quick reference to which objects you are moving.)

For example something like:

  1. treenode op = node("/Operator5", model());
  2. treenode cart = node("/Area 2", model());
  3. moveobject(cart, model());

Also note that if it is easier for you, you can control the logic of the visuals and moving/travelling objects with Process Flow logic too. Using Change Visual and Move Object events.

editanimation.png (16.1 KiB)
setlocation.png (38.8 KiB)
setloc.png (7.3 KiB)
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