I can't make an animation for a person created by Create Object. Does anyone know a solution for this case?Demo.fsm
I can't make an animation for a person created by Create Object. Does anyone know a solution for this case?Demo.fsm
Hello @Gilana P,
When you create a person using the "Create Object" activity, this person is a FlowItem in the model, so to create new animations tho this new person, you need to access the Animation Editor by the FlowItem Bin.
Locate the Person flowitem in your FlowItem Bin, right click over the person and select the "Animation":
This will open the animation editor below:
In the animation editor you can create new animations or check out for the existing animations from the operator at the animation list:
After creating your custom animation, you can simply use it adding a "Run Animation" activity on your Process Flow. At the parameters configuration you just insert the name or index of your animation and the object that will perform it, reset and run your model:
You can also learn more about animation at our online course:
Here you can learn about the animation fundamentals, how to explore the animation editor, create and customize animations in your objects, operators, task executers and more.
Follow attached a model with a simple animation created for the person flowItem and executed at the middle of the process using processflow.
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