
krishna_mohan.gundamaraju_pathak avatar image
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krishna_mohan.gundamaraju_pathak asked Mathilde DOUSSET answered

How to maintain distance between AGVs


In the attached model, i have created 5 AGVs that delivers the parts. But while traveling it should maintain certain distance between AGVs always. So created the Collision sphere. The reason i have not used the allocation at the control points is, in my actual model, based on the delivery method only few AGVs have huge carts that blocks all the other AGVs travelling behind and they should stop while the first one is delivering the parts. Also i don't want to use the AGV Network properties, accumulation types


FlexSim 7.5.4
agvuser commanddistanceallocationcollision sphere
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jing.c avatar image jing.c commented ·

Here is a thread in old forum. Bobo has given some user commands that can be used to calculate the distance between any 2 AGVs in a closed-loop AGV network.

Maybe someone will use it.

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Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered

Attached is an example model that shows how you can use Waypoints to implement conditional AGV passing logic so that the AGVs can use the regular control point allocation mechanism and also pass certain other AGVs at stations but not others.

The red AGV in the model has a "blocking" label that is set to 1, which is used by the waypoint logic to determine that it can't be passed.

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Jeff Nordgren avatar image
Jeff Nordgren answered Adrian Haws commented

I'll admit, I have no idea why you would want to use collision detection to try and keep spacing using the AGV module. That would involve a ton of hand code to just manage any type of collision that could happen and then you would, in all likelihood have to try to manual code things in to circumvent AGV module internal code. And that's even if it's possible to do that at all.

Attached is your model with changes that I've made. I changed the AGVNetwork Properties/Accumulation Types, Default Accumulation and then I set all the segments of the network to use that Default accumulation. It seems to keep spacing between AGV just fine. So I'm wondering why you are opposed to using this method?

Model: collisionsphere-agv-jn1.fsm

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krishna_mohan.gundamaraju_pathak avatar image krishna_mohan.gundamaraju_pathak commented ·


The reason I want to use the collision option is:

When the Tugger delivers the parts at station(which has some load/unload times).

While delivering, the other tugger behind can easily pass him(that's the reason I do not want to use Accumulations). I want the Tuggers behind it passing.

But when few Tuggers(not all) carry a cart that blocks almost the whole aisle, none of the Tuggers behind can pass and those should wait behind until it finishes its job.

This is the reason why I want use the collision option only for the tuggers that carry this huge carts.

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Mathilde DOUSSET avatar image
Mathilde DOUSSET answered


I have an AGV and a transporter:

-The AGV takes the full pallets and pull them in separator. Then, he comes get the empty pallets in the queue separator and bring them in the rack.

-The transporter comes get the empty pallets in the rack and bring them on the queue (at bottom of building).

But when I start my model, there is collision between AGV and Transporter , how can I do?

I join a capture of my problem and my system flexsim.simusequencage.fsm

Thank you!

423vp.png (449.1 KiB)
simusequencage.fsm (11.0 MiB)
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