
Lucas Antonio Risso avatar image
Lucas Antonio Risso asked Matt Long commented

Operator allocation - Partial 2nd shift

I am trying to figure out how to set the following scenario, according to the model attached: shifts-configuration.fsm - The yellow team can perform any activity during the first shift; - The blue team will work during the second shift, with their entire work load being dedicated just to the combiner;

How would be possible to do this configuration? In a nutshell, the blue operators has to only get/return the information to assure the continuation of the combiner process without any interruption. The operators are already assigned to timetables.

Thank you for your help.

FlexSim 16.1.0
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Jeff Nordgren avatar image Jeff Nordgren commented ·

I don't understand the reason for each "shift" lasting only 9 seconds. The processors process for 10 seconds each so the operators for the first shift can't even complete a full processor cycle. The operators on the first shift are not even able to travel to a processor before they end the first 9 second shift. And the operator can not even travel to Processor1 in two shifts. And if the shifts are only 9 seconds in duration, why have the first shift doing anything at the combiner (Assembly)? Why not disconnect the first shift from the combiner and only have the second shift connected to the combiner?

In a nutshell, I don't understand why the 9 second shifts. Normally wouldn't you have shifts that last 8 hours or so?

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Matt Long avatar image Matt Long Jeff Nordgren commented ·

I think it's a small/dumbed down version of a larger model that he's trying to do. Brandon's answer performs the necessary logic.

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1 Answer

Brandon Peterson avatar image
Brandon Peterson answered


I edited your model so that when the operators go down at the end of a shift they will pass off their tasks to a third dispatcher (PreemptDispatcher). This dispatcher has a PassTo strategy that will pass the tasks to one of the other two dispatchers based on the priority of the task sequence. As the priority from the Combiner is different from the Processors I was able to insure that only the tasks from the combiner will go back to the Shift 2 operators.

I hope that this answers your question,


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