
Allister Wilson avatar image
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Allister Wilson asked Allister Wilson commented

Failing to load modules / webkit

An express version user is having trouble using anything found in a module. Creating conveyor / agv / a* objects causes this to happen :

After that either FlexSim crashes or he can no longer interact with anything and has to close it.

He also gets an error 106 (specified module could not be found) regarding failure to load webkit when opening the start page.

I've suggested he (re)install the VS2015 runtime, not heard back yet.

FlexSim about page (note that he's running compatibility mode) :

Any ideas?

FlexSim 16.1.0
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
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Phil BoBo answered Allister Wilson commented

Try uninstalling FlexSim and reinstalling FlexSim.

Does he have this same issue with other versions of the software? Try installing FlexSim 16.0.2 and seeing if it has the same problem.

Try turning off Compatibility Mode and following the graphics troubleshooting steps found here.

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