
Cameron Seams avatar image
Cameron Seams asked Logan Gold answered

Model crashing on error code below - Conveyor traversal

Hi all,

I am debugging my model and it is consistently crashing on the conveyor traversal event below. What causes this and/or is there a way to fix this?

I do have a couple of rather large conveyor buffers, but I do not have an alternative way of modeling this currently.




FlexSim 17.1.0
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1 Answer

Logan Gold avatar image
Logan Gold answered

Sometimes parts of a Conveyor system will get corrupted. The most consistent fix so far is to remove the problematic transfer or Conveyor section and recreate it.

If it's an Entry Transfer or an Exit Transfer, you can disconnect the connection(s) on the transfer and recreate the connections to recreate the transfers. If it seems to be happening on a direct connection from one Conveyor to another, then you can move one of the Conveyors away from the other, then line them up again to reconnect them. And sometimes deleting a problematic Conveyor object and recreating it can resolve these types of issues.

We won't be able to tell you for sure what is going on unless we can take a look at the model.

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