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Alex Humphreys asked Alex Humphreys answered

Error with node won't let me do anything...

I was creating a path and accidentally created a extra node. When I tried to delete the node it won't let me. I tried ignoring this and moving on, but I'm unable to select any other processing objects than the last one I selected (the processing objects window opens quickly then closes. I also realized I'm unable to zoom in/out or delete any objects/staff that I've placed.

The error I'm getting is:

exception: Exception Caught in NetworkNode::buildMesh() object: /N85

exception: Exception Caught in NetworkNode::onPreDraw(treenode view) object: /N85

exception: Exception Caught in ObjectFunction225__project_library_FlexSimEventHandler_behaviour_eventfunctions_OnPreDraw object: /N85 class: /N85

Any help would be appreciated.



FlexSim HC 5.0.12
exceptionnodedeletemodel error
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Alex Humphreys answered Regan Blackett commented

I don't know what caused this problem, but I was able to solve this.

1. Open the "Tree" (This was located on the right side on the same bar that includes Flowchart, PCIs, and Patient Tracks) tab

2. All of the objects on the model will be listed. Find the node/object causing the error (I knew it was node 85 because I saw the error in the system console)

3. Right click the object, Node-->Delete

This solved the problem, but if anyone knows what caused the issue in the first place, I'd love to know.


Alex Humphreys

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Alex Humphreys answered

I just had this happen again. Below

1. I created a node to extend one of my paths

2. Connected the new node to another node (to connect it to another part of the path

3. I connected a tech to the path

4.Moved the tech off of the main path

4. I connected an EKG to a path

5. I connected a tech to the path

6. Connected two nodes together on another part of the model.

7. I clicked another node and created a path on accident, so I then tried to "Undo" the action. Undo did not undo any of the path creations, or the path to the EKG/Tech. The "undo" moved the tech back to where they were before. (Undid step #4)

I noticed this at step 7, but I'm guessing it happened somewhere between steps 1-4...

Below is the first system console message I got:

LINK PARITY ERROR(size) LINK PARITY ERROR(step) LINK PARITY ERROR(insert) exception: Exception Caught in NetworkNode::buildMesh() object: /NN88 exception: Exception Caught in NetworkNode::onPreDraw(treenode view) object: /NN88 exception: Exception Caught in ObjectFunction225__project_library_FlexSimEventHandler_behaviour_eventfunctions_OnPreDraw object: /NN88 class: /NN88

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