
Cindy Azuero avatar image
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Cindy Azuero asked Phil BoBo commented

Clock overflow problem related with unload time of transporters

In a previous model I obtained some Clock Overflow advice. I wrote to FlexSim support and we found that there was a bug on the calculation of the unload time of the transporters when there is a floor rack.

This was the answer:

One solution was to leave the max quantity as 1, but when I answered that I needed to use more than that I obtained the following solution:

I implemented that work-around and it seemed to work, but now I'm having the same problem even when I use the command you guys gave me.

I hope you can help me. Thank you very much.

FlexSim 16.0.1
bugclock overflowfloor racksunload time
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1 Answer

Brandon Peterson avatar image
Brandon Peterson answered Phil BoBo commented


Without seeing your model the only reasons that I can come up with for why a z location would result in such a large value is that you have flowitems with extraordinary large z sizes or you have an extraordinary amount of flowitems bing placed in the storage location. The options that I can come up with for you would to try are:

  1. Reduce the size of the flowitem z height
  2. Use Queues instead of a single floor storage - They will place things sided by side instead of on top of one another if there is enough space (i.e. for tall skinny objects)
  3. Select the option "Do not travel offsets for load/unload tasks"

If these options don't work for you the best course of action would be to post your model or a sample of the model so that we could look at it directly and respond back with a solution in the model file itself.


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