
Lene Berge Holm avatar image
Lene Berge Holm asked Matthew Gillespie answered

Finding process time with Output Raw Data

I’m not sure I understand the ActivityStartTime, the ActivityFinishTime and the ActivityProcessTime in FlexSim HC: Shouldn’t the finish time minus the start time equal the process time? I tried to verify parts of the model and in the outputfile the ActivityProcessTime seems to be correct, but the ActivityFinishTime minus ActivityStartTime does not equal this.

FlexSim HC 5.0.12
healthcareprocess timeoutput raw dataoutputfile
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered

The processing time doesn't necessarily start when the activity starts. For example, if the activity requires staff or a location then the processing time doesn't start until all the resources have been acquired and either arrive at the patient or the patient arrives at them.

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