
Kim Jh avatar image
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Kim Jh asked Adrian Haws edited

Question Task Sequence

In the sample model I want an operator to load boxes from three different queues before taking them to another queue with a task sequence. However, the operator does not unload all of the boxes at once. How can I solve the problem?

FlexSim 16.1.0
task sequenceunload
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Jeff Nordgren avatar image
Jeff Nordgren answered Jeff Nordgren commented

@kim Jh

Attached is your model with the changes that I've made to it. Here is what the model will do.

The Operator will travel to Queues 7, 8 & 11, in order, and pick up all the flowitems in that queue up to the Operator's maximum capacity. Then the operator will travel to Queue12 and unload its flowitems.

I used sub tasks (OnMessage trigger of each Q) to determine whether or not to pickup flowitems or if there are any flowitems to pickup.

Take a look at the model and see if it will do what you were wanting it to do.


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David Seo avatar image
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David Seo answered David Seo converted comment to answer

Should you use 'Task Sequence commands' in this model?

I make the model not using 'Task Sequence' like attached.

But it shows 'Transfer one by one' from three queues to one queue by an operator.


If you need the detail explanation, call me to 010-6258-1765.

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