
Atipol Kanchanapiboon avatar image
Atipol Kanchanapiboon asked Jeanette F commented

Nurse shift change in Emergency Department

Hi. I am modeling an Emergency Department process. I have an RN that her patient still not discharged, but she is getting off shift. She completed an earlier activity "Nurse Exam" and the same RN (Staff requirement: Requirement 1 of activity XX-nurse exam) is expected to transport the patient to inpatient admit exit when all the treatment and inpatient bed placement process are done.

What will happen if this nurse get off the shift and the model try to find the same nurse for that patient in later activity (transport patient)? Will the patient get stuck there? How should I handle this?

Thank you.

FlexSim 16.1.0
FlexSim HC 5.0.12
resourcestaffshift scheduleoff schedule
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Jeanette F commented

The nurse's task will be handed off to the nurse's group and another nurse from that group will take over. So as long as there's another available nurse in that group the patient won't have to wait.

Here's an example model.

animation.gif (348.1 KiB)
offschedule.fsm (94.5 KiB)
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5 |100000

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