
achuta.kalidindi avatar image
achuta.kalidindi asked Sebastian Hemmann edited

Functionality to import one model into another

I have seen this question being asked for the HC module, and was curious to see if there is a plan to develop this functionality for regular Flexsim. It will be very helpful in our context (Manufacturing and logistics) in the following ways,

1. Developing models in a modular way, analyzing each sub process individually as its own model, and importing them into the main model as and when required.

2. Multiple people can work on sub processes independently, which will reduce the overall time required for model building and analysis

3. Having this ability will allow analysis of various layout combinations, etc, easier and faster. Because a location change of a sub, would mean a simple move of the process to a different location and a connection back to the main process.

These are some of the immediate use cases I can think of, that can be very helpful and make model building and analysis that much faster, especially for bigger models.

FlexSim 16.1.0
developmentmodel import
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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·

Have you tried to use a container such as a visual plane object. Therein you place the objects of the sub model, define the interfaces for in and out. And in the end you put the container in the user library as a new object. The functionality exists.

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Claire Krupp avatar image Claire Krupp commented ·

I would like to add my vote for this request. Here at Molex, we are sometimes getting urgent requests to develop a model that cannot be completed by one person in the level of detail needed within the timeframe available. Sometimes we have two people working on the same model, but it becomes very difficult to manage versions and updating so that you don't have to duplicate work.


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1 Answer

Adrian Haws avatar image
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Adrian Haws answered Sebastian Hemmann edited

I agree that this would be helpful. There is, however, a roundabout way to do this currently, as described here:

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Clair A avatar image Clair A commented ·

As described where ? It looks like there is a missing link.

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Clair A avatar image Clair A commented ·

This post was from 2 years ago but I am wondering if there are new plans regarding importing one model into another ?

As @achuta.kalidindi pointed out, this feature is available in FlexSim HC:

HC features are currently being migrated into standard FlexSim, so are there plans to also add this feature in standard FlexSim ?

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Phil BoBo avatar image Phil BoBo ♦♦ Clair A commented ·

I am not aware of any new plans regarding importing one model into another.

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Clair A avatar image Clair A Clair A commented ·
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Sebastian Hemmann avatar image Sebastian Hemmann Clair A commented ·
@Clair A

but it would be a nice feature. Is there already a plan to make an idea for it? We also have clients that ask for this. So will you add an "idea" or should I?

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