
Kari Payton avatar image
Kari Payton asked Adrian Haws commented

Directing crane load based on item pulled.

I have items from 2 different processors being pushed to one item list. I need a crane to transport the items to a third processor that pulls the items from the list. How can I direct the crane to travel to the location that the item was pulled from? (i.e. If the puller pulls an item from processor 1, then the crane travels to processor 1 to load the item and transport to the puller) I am using fixed resource process flows.

FlexSim 16.1.2
process flowcrane
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1 Answer

Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered Adrian Haws commented

If you have a reference for the pulled item from the list. (ie if you are using Process Flow, then the token pulling the item from the list usually has the label: "pulled" referencing whatever was pulled from the list) Then you can simply use the "up(item)" command. That references the item's current container or holder.

So if you're using process flow, the reference to the processor might look something like this:

  1. up(getlabel(token,"pulled"))

Just make sure that the "pulled" label is referencing the item, and that it's items being pushed to the list not tokens. Otherwise you'll need another "getlabel()" to reference the item referenced by the item label on the token.

But that's how you can reference the current container of the object. So when you have the crane use the Travel task or Load task you can use this as the "destination" to have the crane travel there.

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