
naufal Kemal avatar image
naufal Kemal asked naufal Kemal commented

Move ASRS to a spesific location when on idle state

I'm currently have a model that contain an ASRS, processor, combiner, and rack. What i need to know is how to make ASRS know its idle state? is there any access variable to refrence it? and how to make it move to its next task location (ex: combiner) so that when combiner finish its setup job it doesn't need to wait for ASRS to move on it (to provide a JIT (Just In Time) process) ?

FlexSim 7.3.6
asrsallocated idle
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1 Answer

Steven Hamoen avatar image
Steven Hamoen answered naufal Kemal commented

The ASRS has a OnResourceAvailable trigger that fires when the ASRS is ready with a tasksequence. You can use that trigger to travel to the next destination ( if known) or to a central waiting position.

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