
Patrick Zweekhorst avatar image
Patrick Zweekhorst asked Patrick Zweekhorst answered

Not able to connect controlpoint to queue

I am making a model in which I use the AGV module. I use a script to make a queue and a controlpoint in a container. After this is done I want to A connect the controlpoint to the queue, but this is not working. Is this a bug or is this intentionally done? I have attached an example model ( connectionbug.fsm ) where I want to connect Queue112 to ControlPoint213, but this is not working. The code that I used to make the objects is in the script window.

Thanks in advance

FlexSim 16.2.0
agvcontrol pointsconnections
connectionbug.fsm (16.5 KiB)
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Arun Kr avatar image
1 Like"
Arun Kr answered

Dear Patrick,

I didn't understand, why the connection is not happening.

Instead of createcopy(), when I used createinstance() it's connecting. Someone from FlexSim can give a better answer to this behaviour.

  1. treenode container1 = node("BasicFR1", model());
  2. treenode container2 = node("BasicFR1/BasicFR2", model());
  3. treenode container3 = node("BasicFR1/BasicFR2/BasicFR3", model());
  4. treenode bufferObject = node("Queue15", model());
  5. treenode controlpointObject = node("ControlPoint2", model());
  7. treenode buffer = createinstance(bufferObject,container3);
  8. setloc( buffer, 2, 2, 0 );
  9. treenode controlPoint = createinstance(controlpointObject,container3);
  10. setloc( controlPoint, 3, 3, 0 );
  11. contextdragconnection( buffer, controlPoint, "A" );


Arun KR

patrick-support.fsm (17.0 KiB)
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Patrick Zweekhorst avatar image
Patrick Zweekhorst answered

Dear Arun,

Thanks for your quick answer. I will use the createinstance instead of createcopy.


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