
Clair A avatar image
Clair A asked anthony.johnson edited

Why "Only Tokens that Meet Condition" is not checked by default in the AGV template ?

In the 1st version of the attached sample model, there are 2 LookForWork Connections. When the AGV arrives at one of the LookForWork control points, the activity "Abort Others" releases all tokens of the "Push to LFW Load List" to the "Finish" activity. As a result, the 4 other boxes disappear from the Load List and are never transported.

In the 2nd version of this model, in the "Abort Others" activity I checked "Only Tokens that Meet Condition" on the label "item". It works fine.

So why "Only Tokens that Meet Condition" on the label "item" is not checked by default in the AGV template ?

FlexSim 16.2.1
agvprocess flowagv process flow
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1 Answer

anthony.johnson avatar image
anthony.johnson answered anthony.johnson edited

That's a bug. I'll fix that for the next release.

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