
Kathryn McNeal avatar image
Kathryn McNeal asked Phil BoBo commented

Process Flow: Event Triggered Source, Label Assignment

When an item in the model enters "SinkToStock", a token is created in the process flow. I want the "PartNum" label from the item that went into "SinkToStock" to be transferred to the token, then I want the token to transfer it to a new object that it is creating in "Queue3". I've attempted to do this, but can't figure out how the assignment table works in the Event-triggered source. Can you explain and/or make the changes that will make this work? This is a very simplified version of what I'm doing, but the easiest way to explain it. I’ve attached the file I’m referring to. flexsimhelp.fsm

FlexSim 16.1.2
process flowlabelevent-triggered sourceassignment table
flexsimhelp.fsm (25.9 KiB)
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
Phil BoBo answered Phil BoBo commented

The Event-triggered Source's Label Assignment assigns values to specified labels on the token based on what access variables are available in the event you are listening to.

In this example, you are listening to the OnEntry of a Sink. In that event, you have access to the item and the port.

You can then set a label on the token that references the item that just entered the Sink.

Then you can access the labels on that item to set other labels on the token:

Attached is an updated version of your model that assigns the PartNum label from the item you were listening to to the item you create.

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