
Arjun R avatar image
Arjun R asked Matthew Gillespie edited

Using a Global Table for Prioritization

i have 4 types of item that has to be given priority in the next stage of operation. The 4 items are separated by percentage and is available in 4 respective Queues.The next stage is a Processor but I cannot give Priority as they are in 4 different Queues. How could I give priority to these 4 and Should I use a a global Table?If so how to execute this process? I am using Flexsim 7.

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1 Answer

anthony.johnson avatar image
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anthony.johnson answered Regan Blackett commented

You can enable pulling on the downstream processor, and then use the Pull Best Item option for the Pull Strategy.

Also, FlexSim 2016 (and 7.7) introduced lists. These are constructs that allow much more flexibility and power in filtering and prioritization. For your situation, you would have the upstream queues push the items onto a list, while the downstream processor(s) pull from that list, using an ORDER BY clause in the pull query to prioritize based on the rules you want.

Either way, I don't think you need to use a global table for this.

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