
Cindy Azuero avatar image
Cindy Azuero asked Kari Payton commented

how to rotate the flowitems for a network node?

I'm representing a road where I have different types of vehicles. I import some 3D images and some of them where in the incorrect direction. From the flowitem bin I changed the rotation, but when they began to move on the network node they appear with the wrong direction again. I've try to change the rotation on the source and on the first network node trigger, but neither of them worked.

This is what's happening

this is how it should be

I attatch the model.road.fsm

FlexSim 16.2.0
network nodesflowitemrotation
al-reves.png (22.8 KiB)
al-derecho.png (41.9 KiB)
road.fsm (18.7 MiB)
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Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Kari Payton commented

An Flexsim object consist of an abstract part, which you select and/ or highlight. This shows up as a red or yellow frame. This part of the object can you rotate, place at a location or change its size. The shape of the object can you rotate, place and change its size, too. If it occurs that the frame doesn't hold the desired orientation while the model runs. You have still the opportunity to change only the shape's values for size, rotation and location in relation to the frame of the part.

The shape of an object, inclusive of an item, mustn't be inside the frame. It could happen that the model looks strange, if the frames of the object are staying in a line but their shape's overlap.

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Mischa Spelt avatar image
Mischa Spelt answered Kari Payton commented

By default, the rotation of task executers (both fixed resources and flow items) is adjusted to point in the direction of travel when they travel on a network. This overwrites the rotation of the objects. There are two possible solutions:

1. Don't allow the network to manage rotations

In the properties of the task executer flow item, disable "Rotate while travelling". This will preserve the rotation of the flow item.

2. Flip the flow item's shape within the bounding box

On the General tab, there is a button "Edit Shape Factors". In the popup that then appears, you can specify how the imported shape is scaled and rotated relative to the actual object (the yellow frame that @Jörg Vogel explained). Basically, you should set this so that if you give the object zero rotation, that the shape inside the object box looks correct and not backwards or upside down.

If you specify a rotation here in the shape factors, the object's rotation will still be oriented along the path of travel, but the shape's rotation will have a constant offset relative to that; and the offset rotation will be stored with the flow item and not be reset to zero or changed by anything in FlexSim by default.

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