
David.Y avatar image
David.Y asked David.Y commented

Custom Flowitem problem : Rotaion, Size, Location

car size rotation location problem.fsm


After inserting a new Flowitem (Car), when an item comes out of the Source, it should flow to the Sink through the Conveyor, but it is not currently.

I set it as an on exit trigger, but the flow item does not rotate 90 degrees, and the size, position (on the conveyor), and movement are strange. The car comes out somewhere other than on the conveyor

Any help would be appreciated.


FlexSim 23.0.0
flowitemlocationchange visualrotationsize
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered David.Y commented

@David.Y please use search tool next time first. I did. First result got this thread by keywords

rotation conveyor item.

· 6
5 |100000

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