
Stephanie Lombard avatar image
Stephanie Lombard asked Matt Long commented

Taskexecuter flowitems not moving into the right location


Hi all,

I am currently building a model representative of a small clinic in Flexsim 16.2. I use processflow to control the simulation. Patients arrive and after they have consulted the receptionist, they acquire any queue within the "Waiting Area" group. I move the patients into the queue they have acquied and on Entry, I animated the patients to sit. As soon as they can, patients acquire a nurse and they travel with her so that she can check their vitals.

This process seems to work fine, but when I run the model for a couple of minutes, the patients start sitting in weird places. They acquire a queue and move into it but they aren't near the queue they've acquired or moved into?

I have attached the model. The logic is within the "Patient basic" block in Processflow. Please advise

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1 Answer

Matt Long avatar image
Matt Long answered Matt Long commented

Looks like you're calling Move Object on the patient before the patient has completed their task sequence. If you swap the "Nurse escort patient to waiting room" activity with the "Patient return to waiting room" and swap the check boxes for Wait Until Complete, then it works.

One thing you can do to avoid issues like this is to use a Split / Join activity. Though not always necessary, it ensures that both task executers finish before the token is able to move on. This way it doesn't matter the order of the activities or who finishes first.

splitjoin.png (14.5 KiB)
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