
sanaz karamimoghaddam avatar image
sanaz karamimoghaddam asked sanaz karamimoghaddam commented

How to make AGV load items from specific control points using Sub Flow?


In this model, the AGV travelers are loading items from different queues, and every two queues are linked to one control point. The AGVs should load the items from the corresponding control points of each queue, perform some activities, travel to destination, and unload the items at the destination using a Sub Flow.

In the sample model attached, the AGVs will only load the items from corresponding control points (control point 2) when I am using use transport, "centerobject" option (Queue1 and Queue4). When I use a sub flow to make the AGVs to load and unload (Queue2 and Queue5), the items get loaded to the AGVs as if they just appear on the AGV, and not from the assigned control point (control point 3), and the next item gets loaded on the AGV as soon as the subflow finishes.



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FlexSim 16.2.0
agv pathsubflowcontrol pointsuse transport
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1 Answer

Matt Long avatar image
Matt Long answered sanaz karamimoghaddam commented

Let's take a look at the task sequence created by Queue1.

The first task is to travel to the Queue, which moves the AGV to the control point connected to Queue1. The second task is to load the item.

In contrast, your Sub Flow is skipping the first task and moving directly to the Load task. The Load task uses offset travel to move a TaskExecuter to the item being loaded. AGVs will not respond to offset travel (they won't leave the network to pick up an item), and so the item immediately moves into the AGV. All you need to do is add a Travel task at the beginning to move the AGV to the fromObject.

defaultts.png (18.7 KiB)
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sanaz karamimoghaddam avatar image sanaz karamimoghaddam commented ·

Thanks a lot @Matt Long

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